Oct 17, 2011 - Sale 2256

Sale 2256 - Lot 102

Price Realized: $ 660
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 1,000 - $ 2,000
JONSON, BEN. Bartholomew Fayre [with The Staple of Newes and The Divell is an Asse]. [10] (of [12]), 88; 75, [1]; [2], 93-170 pages; lacks initial (blank?) leaf. 3 parts in one volume. Folio, 280x179 mm, 19th-century 1/2 morocco, spine and cover corners worn; occasional soiling, scattered marginal dampstains, old signatures on title page of first and third parts with modern bookplate on blank verso of each, dark vertical streak across page 8 in second part, title of third part reinforced in gutter on verso, free endpapers browned. London: J[ohn] B[eale] for Robert Allot, 1631

Additional Details

Second volume of Jonson's collected works; undetermined issue, lacking the initial leaf, which was blank in the 1631 first issue and replaced with a general title in the 1640 reissue. The first volume appeared in 1616, the third in 1641. Greg III, 1075-76; STC 14753.5.